About us

Ben McGill

Born in Australia, Ben moved to the US when he was young and studied at WKU for Biology and Psychological Science. Ben started his career in the early 2000s when he began working at his first humane society, where he trained dogs and worked on feline behaviors to aid in their forever homes. He later trained at a wildlife sanctuary in Emerald, Australia, and worked at a zoo and several stockyards in the United States. His current methodologies for animal training were enhanced when he studied and worked in the field of ABA therapy and as an ABA therapist/RBT working with children on the spectrum and teenagers with chemical dependency.

Ben's passion for animals extends beyond domesticated pets to reptiles and amphibians. He has a deep love for these fascinating creatures and is currently studying to become a Master Herpetologist. This advanced study complements his extensive knowledge of animal behavior and training, allowing him to apply his expertise to a broader range of species.

Becky McGill

Becky, born and raised in Kentucky, pursued her bachelor's degree in Biology at WKU, where she developed a deep passion for reptiles and their vital roles in ecosystems. Driven by a desire to educate and inspire, she embarked on her journey to teach children and the community about these fascinating creatures. Leveraging her expertise, Becky helps create engaging educational programs that highlight the importance of reptiles in nature and the need for their conservation.

In addition to her educational endeavors, Becky manages the business administration, scheduling, and customer service aspects of our operation. Her organizational skills and dedication ensure smooth and effective delivery of our programs, making her the linchpin of the initiative since its inception. Becky's commitment to education and conservation fosters a greater understanding and appreciation of reptiles within the community.